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****Hypoglycemia in Toy Breeds****

Make sure to feed your puppy often, and leave food & water where they access it. 

​If your puppy starts showing any of these symptoms, take him/her to the vet ASAP!!!

Toy-breed dogs are not only at risk for hypoglycemia, they can die from the low blood sugar disorder if they do not receive prompt treatment. 

When a dog’s blood sugar, or glucose, level drops, it can affect neurological function. Disorientation, tremors and coma may occur. Normally, hormones stimulate the breakdown of stored glycogen to supply the brain and other tissues with fuel. In toy breeds, this process may not happen fast enough, and hypoglycemia results. 

Juvenile hypoglycemia occurs in puppies less than 3 months of age. Because puppies have not fully developed the ability to regulate blood glucose concentration and have a high requirement for glucose, they are vulnerable. Stress, cold, malnutrition and intestinal parasites also may trigger juvenile hypoglycemia. 

Signs of hypoglycemia are loss of appetite, extreme lethargy, lack of coordination, trembling, muscle twitching, weakness, seizures, and discolora­tion of skin and gums. Most dogs will not eat or drink when they are in low sugar shock. 

Simple cases of hypoglycemia can occur when a dog is overly active with too much time between meals or fasts before vigourous exercise. . Other tests include a complete blood count, blood glucose concentration, urinalysis, routine biochemistry, and blood insulin concentration. 

Puppies and adult dogs that appear to be in a stupor or coma during a hypoglycemic attack should immediately be given sugar water or an oral concentrated solution of glucose, such as corn syrup or Nutri-Cal.

Signs of Hypoglycemia

  • Loss of appetite

  • Extreme lethargy

  • Lack of coordination

  • Trembling

  • Muscular twitching

  • Weakness

  • Seizures

  • Unusual behavior

  • Dilated pupils

  • ​

If your puppy starts showing any of these symptoms, take him/her to the vet ASAP!!!



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  • Stupor or coma

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